45 MINUTES - £40
This 45-minute facial massage incorporates a unique blend of highly effective techniques drawn from both Japanese and Indian face massage that can help release stresses and traumas locked deeply into the muscles and energy of the face, head and neck. With the addition of complimentary techniques from Acupressure and Facial Reflexology that aim IS to leave the skin looking naturally lifted, smooth, relaxed and rejuvenated; treating the balance of health in the whole body helping you look and feel younger.
Aside from the visual benefits, this deeply relaxing massage can stimulate the nervous system empowering your mind and body to connect and switch off, releasing the feelings of stress and encourage the body’s natural path to healing itself leaving you with a deeper sense of wellbeing, profound relaxation and inner ease.
This treatment is completely natural with no chemicals and can be easily maintained at home with lasting results.
For best results I recommend a 6 weekly treatment plan with monthly maintenance treatments thereafter.
If after this treatment you decide to book my 6 weekly treatments detailed below, I will deduct £40 from the overall price and a further 5 treatments will be scheduled (In order to qualify you must book within 14 days of your first treatment, please contact me via email to enquire).
Rejuvenating Natural Lift Facial Massages treatment plan
A series of 6, 45-minute treatments for £240
Included in this treatment plan:
Home care advice
Video tutorial detailing techniques you can do at home
A printed leaflet demonstrating stretches that target your face, neck and shoulders
Before and after photos
Want to know more about the benefits of this Rejuvenating Natural Lift Facial Massage? Then keep reading.
This treatment can help to:
Improve skin suppleness
Reduce and release any muscle tension in the face and jaw
Reduce expression lines and wrinkles
Relieve stress symptoms such as insomnia, headaches and eye strain
Strengthen, tone and help to tighten the skin and underlying muscle
Stimulate rejuvenation and cellular activity
Increase the elimination of toxins and supply nutrients to the cells
Aid the removal of dead skin cells
Maintain a fresh, youthful appearance
Promote blood circulation
Enhance mental and physical relaxation
With each initial treatment I will carry out a consultation that takes up to 15 minutes. This allows me to get a good understanding of your health and wellbeing, time for you to discuss your expectations and enable us to build a good rapport. Your time is important to me, and I want you to feel like you are getting the very best from your treatments so I also include some self-care techniques that you can do for yourself at home. With the 6 weekly treatments I also offer some additional self-help material that is detailed below.
Included in this treatment plan:
Home care advice
Video tutorial detailing techniques you can do at home
A printed leaflet demonstrating stretches that target your face, neck and shoulders
Before and after photos